Hernández, Speaker
Summit 2014
Leadership Summit
Form Men 2016 It is about awareness, leadership development and choice towards the
development of community integration; Community leaders, entrepreneurs, parents, youth and members of the community coming
together to focus on self-awareness, business and social skills. Tailored to: - Entrepreneurs - - Managers - - Executive Directors of Non-Profit Organizations - - Private Sector
Directors - - Multi-level Entrepreneurs - - Pastoral Leaders - - Workgroups that would like to accomplish their
goals as a team - - Any man that wants to improve their career and leadership development

Ruben Reyes, Men Voices Team Leader, Summit 2016
Objective Training for Business and Personal Leadership Development Whether you are in a senior management position or are just beginning to climb the ladder of success, managing
your own business, organization or workgroup or maybe just want to create a new action plan for your personal life. You will
learn to implement a corrective plan through 5 leadership practices. Professional Coaches Willing to Train you The Men’s Leadership Summit is pleased to bring university level coaches and senior management position trainers.
Also featured a panel of Latinos eager to boost your leadership through their experiences and challenges they have
faced. Are you ready for a change in your life and improve your leadership skills?

Ramon Suazo, Men Voices Team Leader, Summit 2016
Agenda - Saturday August 27th 2016 1:00 p.m. Registration and Networking 2:00 p.m. Welcome - Nora
Hernandez, Sede de superación Personal, LLC., President 10 Views of Integral Leadership 3:00
p.m. Ultra-Leadership 5 Steps to Obtain Integral Leadership Speaker: Dr. Fernando Daniel Peiró 4:00 p.m. Voices of a Leading Man - 5 Leadership Practices
Moderator: Manuel Vega,
5:00 p.m. Leadership Excellence
Award 6:00 p.m. Kurash Match Trainer: Julian Abreu 7:00 p.m. Networking